Dundee Roadrunners

We meet four times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. You can sign up for sessions on the Dundee Roadrunners TeamApp. Download the app and search for Dundee Roadrunners, or use the web version.
Monday: trail runs where we travel around the area for some good hill, flat and in-between routes. Meeting venues vary each week, details can be found on TeamApp. These runs are done as a group, so no one is left behind.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays we meet at Dundee Students Union (to the rear of the building) at 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start. On the first Tuesday of every month from May to September, we meet at Clatto Park. On the first Tuesday of months from October to March we meet for the Galaxy run. The location for this is Wright Avenue (off Riverside Drive).
Tuesday: routes will be 4, 6 and 8 miles and newcomers will get paired with a member of similar pace. We always have a tail runner for the 4 and 6 mile routes to make sure we don’t lose anyone! The routes are available to view in the 'Training' section of the website.
Thursday: we have coaching sessions organised by our coaches. These alternate between short reps, long reps and hill reps. Sessions are in groups according to pace. They are a good way to meet other runners as we all train in the same area together. Our coaches will also be happy to assist if you have any questions on training. Details of the sessions are posted on TeamApp.
Sunday: our long run days. We meet at 8am from various meeting points. Information is posted on TeamApp.
Some members also meet up seprately on an informal basis to run together at other times and locations. While these are not official club sessions, members are welcome to use the club Facebook or TeamApp to seek out people to run with.
Many of our members run, walk or volunteer at parkrun at 9.30am on Saturday mornings. Local parkruns include Camperdown, West Links, Forfar Loch, Montrose, St Andrews and Perth. We encourage our members to add Dundee Roadrunners as their club on their parkrun profile.