Dundee Roadrunners

Galaxy Run
When the nights start drawing in, and we start thinking about putting on the layers, and not training as hard, the Galaxy Races are here to help keep you going through the winter!
On the first Tuesday of every month between October and March, we meet on Riverside Drive at the recycling centre, for a 4.7-mile (7.6 km) time trial (note that the course used for 2024/25 is slightly longer, at around 7.9 km). The route is the same every month. You will be timed for your run, and over the course of the 6 months, if you manage to acheive your best time for the season, you will get a Galaxy bar... its amazing what we'll do for chocolate!
Sign up in advance on TeamApp, then meet and register at 18:20 on Riverside Drive for a 18:30 start.
Results can be found on the results page.
Change to route for 2024/25 due to roadworks:
A map of the route for this Galaxy season can be found at https://www.strava.com/routes/3258067130915799476
The route runs out Riverside Ave, turn right through the underpass before Invergowrie, continue along Perth Rd as usual and go up Tom Mcdonald Ave. The route changes here as it continues right up past the hospital onto Kirsty Semple way, turn left onto Charleston drive, turn right onto Dickeson Ave, right again down Ninewells Ave taking the footbridge over Ninewells Dr, at the bottom retrace the outward route back along Perth Rd, through the underpass and back along Riverside Ave.
A map of the route used up to 2023/24 can be viewed here and is described below:​
Head west along Riverside Drive, following the cycle path downhill and then turning right under the underpass. Follow Perth Road to the roundabout, taking the first left onto Tom McDonald Avenue. Left at the next two roundabouts. Turn right, then right at the next roundabout. Follow Explorer Road to the next roundabout and turn right again. Go over the next roundabout and take the footpath left onto the Kingsway. Turn left, and follow Kingsway to the Swallow Roundabout. Left, onto Riverside Drive, keeping on the left hand side of the road, follow the path and turn right under underpass which you used earlier. Turn left, and follow the cycle path back to the recycling centre.
Although these races can bring out the inner competitiveness in you, they are primarily designed to be a bit of fun and remember that you are only racing against yourself. Guests and newcomers are very welcome to come and run too but galaxy bars and course records will only be awarded to current DRR members.
The route was changed at the start of the winter 2017/18 season. The old route was as follows:
Start at Lochee park and head west along Charleston Drive before descending on Arran Drive. Keep steaming down South Roud before a right turn at the roundabout at the Lynch Centre. Then it's all the way up the side of the Kingsway (on the paths - no shortcuts please) until heading right on Coupar Angus Road and right again on to Ancrum road for the eyeballs out sprint to the finish. Map available here.
Course records:
New course
Male: 25.14 - Chris Earl (1/3/22)
Female: 29:47 - Anwen Darlington (1/3/22)
Old course
Male: 27:01 - Robbie Dunlop (7/2/17)
Female: 27:35 - Anwen Darlington (7/3/16)