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Cross Country Season Report

Fíona Canavan

Saturday 26th February saw the final race of the Scottish Athletics cross country season 22/23 take place, the National XC Championships.

A bumper load of Dundee Road Runners were at the fantastic event. This may have been due to the fact that it was the first Grand Prix Event of 2023, but apart from that, the club has been trying to grow our numbers at XC events for a few years now.

This season we had athletes compete at East District and National relays, the National Short Course, the East League, the British Cross Challenge, and the East District and National Champs, a total of 112 DRR vests and 49 individual athletes at all events.

Plenty of DRR took up or tried out cross country running for the first time, embracing the mud and pain of a variety of courses. Galashiels being practically a hill race and Kirkcaldy being fast, dry and (almost) flat.

The season was rounded out nicely on Saturday; Falkirk was dry, not too windy and you could see the bottom of the ditch! We got to use the big branded DRR tent for the first time and had well positioned teams for both men and women. The Dundee Roadrunners women placed 13/22 and the men were 26/42.

As well as athletes running, John Mill and Ali and Keith Gelly all marshalled, giving excellent encouragement at very strategic spots . Gillian Gibson was also helping out at the finish line, bringing her very close to completing her Level 2 Official Training.

Well done Team DRR on a fantastic XC season. Time to let the spikes/mud claws dry out before next autumn!

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